Shipping from Costco webshop is available if you need fast delivery through Instacart. If speed is not important, then order at (deliveries to all cities, except in Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.)

Online Costco Home Delivery

For 2-day delivery, go to «Grocery» at and follow the steps:

  1. Choose your delivery method (Same-Day, 2-Day Delivery, Cold&Frozen Delivery);
  2. The next step is to add items to your cart;
  3. Then you have to choose between Standard and Express shipping (last will be more expensive);
  4. Then press «CheckOut» and authorize in the next window;
  5. Important! If you order on Monday, then you get on Wednesday, if Friday, Saturday or Sunday, then you get on Tuesday (weekends are not included).

  6. Fill in the Shipping Address:
    • First Name
    • Last NAme
    • Street Address
    • ZIp Code
    • Email
    • Phone number

    Important, you can set the default address so you don't have to re-enter every time!

  7. Click «Continue to Payment» and pay for your order.

The procedure for ordering at is similar, only you must have a membership card.

How much does Costco Delivery Cost?

Different delivery methods and types of items have different prices:

  • Delivery via 2-day service - You have to pay $3 for each item. There is also free shipping if you accumulate a cart of $75 or more.
  • Cold & Frozen merchandise. For this type of merchandise, $10 is automatically added to your order. This cost covers the cost of enough refrigeration to keep food from spoiling or defrosting.
  • Same-Day Ordering. A minimum cart of $35 is required for delivery.

Important: If you'll use the Costco Visa Card b Citi, then you'll get 2% cashback.

Meijer Home Delivery Reviews

If you have experienced problems with delivery or quality of items, please write a comment. Your story will help others and help improve the service.